Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology

Name: Sahar

Surname: Alian

Degree: Ph.D

Email: alian@rahman.ac.ir

Contact number: 011-44464846, extension 123


Administration and supervision of the good implementation of all research and technology affairs, libraries and databases of the institute, in accordance with the relevant approvals, regulations and by-laws;
planning and policy-making in order to promote and increase the level of scientific and international cooperation;
Giving priority to innovation in the field of theory and applied research needed by the country;
Development, strengthening and guidance of approved research projects with the priority of targeted applied research based on the vision document of the country’s development programs and the comprehensive scientific plan of the country;
control and supervision of the institute’s research processes based on the calendar determined in the plan of approved research and research projects;
Necessary studies in the field of evaluating research activities and evaluating the annual research performance of the institution to be presented to the president of the institution;
Establishing the necessary relationship with domestic and foreign institutions in order to cooperate in research matters and exchange scientific services;
Cooperation in providing scientific, cultural and social services and holding scientific seminars and conferences and implementing all matters of research and service contracts between the institute and other institutions;
Cooperation in the implementation of short-term research courses for non-university institutions;
Planning for faculty members to use study opportunities inside and outside the country (both seminary and university scientific research centers) according to the approved criteria;
Preparing the institute’s research program and presenting goals and determining research priorities in the form of medium and long-term programs and supporting the formation of growth centers, entrepreneurship and science and technology parks, for planning in the specialized research council of the institute;
Reviewing and evaluating the institution’s activities within the framework of the country’s growth and development plans based on the goals of the country’s vision document and development plans and the comprehensive scientific map of the country in the higher education sector for the proposal in the board of directors;
Identifying and defining joint scientific-research topics and programs and planning to provide opportunities and allocate the necessary credits for scientific-research interaction between the field and the university and create a suitable environment to achieve religious science and humanities suitable for the specialized field of the institution.