Psychology Laboratories and Workshops

Available tools


rowtool name
2Heavy gauge
5digital counter and timer
6Colour Mixer
7Vibration Spiral gauge
8Two point feel gauge
9Distance estimation ruler (length estimation and center adjustment)
10vibrometer v shape: measurement of voluntary accuracy

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Muller-Layer ruler

The list of psychological tests available in the psychology laboratory

 A series of tools and psychological tests are available in this office which students of this institute can use. Some tools such as Chronoscope, Dart, Color Mixer, Stopwatch, and Müller-Lyer illusion measure among others.


There are also some tests available in this office such as the Wechsler IQ Test for Children, the Tehran-Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, the Andre Ray Memory Test (1942), the Good Enough Dummy Intelligence Test, Koh’s Block Design Test, Cattell IQ Test (Form A), Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices Test (CPM) for Children, Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices Test – 5 sets, Raven Intelligence Test (Advanced Progressive Matrix Pictures (two sets)) and Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (two sets). This office also offers personality Tests, Career and Academic Tests, Projection Tests, and Interpersonal Relationship Tests.

Personality tests


RowTool NameNumber
1Bem’s Gender Role Questionnaire (1974)1 item
2Kobasa et al.’s hard test (1982)2
3Questionnaire for measuring attitude towards delinquent behaviors – Vahid Fazli (2008)1 piece
4Neo Personality Questionnaire – McCree and Costa (1986) – NEO – FFI-60 (form of 60 questions)2 pieces
5Thrill seeking test – Marvin Zuckerman – 19781 number


Analytical personality test – Eysenck – 139631 number


Bell compatibility test1 piece
816 Factor Personality Questionnaire – Raymond Kettle – 19731 item


Sex Role Semantic Differences Test (SDSR) – Julian Hafner (1984)1 number
10Multifaceted Sexual Issues Questionnaire – Snell – Fisher and Waltzer (1993)1 item
11Questionnaire dimensions of identity1 number

Career and academic tests

RowTool NameNumber
1Education-career interest meter, taken from John Holland’s job interest meter1 number
2Academic Motivation Questionnaire – Leper et al. (2005)2 pieces

Projection tests

RowTool NameNumber
1Rorschach test1 piece
2Images of the Subject Acquisition Test (TAT) – Morgan and Murray 19352
3Pictures of children’s achievement test (CAT) – Blog and Sonia Block – (1349)1 number

Interpersonal relationship tests

RowTool NameNumber
1Scale of trust in interpersonal relationships – Rempel and Holmes- (1986)1 number