University Council


  • Overall evaluation of university performance
  • Examination and approval of proposed short-term educational and research programs
  • Examination of methods of cooperation with governmental and non-governmental institutions and compilation of criteria for it
  • Annual review of the university’s scientific facilities (manpower and equipment) and determination of deficiencies and classification of scientific needs and action to meet them. 
  • Examining the issues that are put on the agenda of the council by the president of the university
  • Examining the educational and research problems of the university and providing the necessary solutions
  • Examining and approving new educational courses and disciplines and their plan for implementation In the university
  • review and approval of the proposed plans and programs of the specialized councils
  • preparation and approval of the internal regulations of the council and approval of the regulations of the internal committees of the council
  • preparation and revision of the vision document University

Specialized university councils

In order to create coordination in executive and planning affairs, cooperation with the strategic council of the university and the board of directors, councils with their composition and duties are formed in each of the areas of the vice-chancellors and headed by each of the vice-chancellors. These councils are considered specialized councils of the university and the decision of its members is issued by the president of the university. The university council can, at its discretion, assign issues to one of the specialized councils for review and comment.