Disciplinary Committee

Protecting the privacy of the university and students and creating security in educational and research environments in protecting the personal, social, and public rights of academics are of great importance; therefore, the university disciplinary committee was formed to safeguard these rights.
The Council of the Disciplinary Committee is an authority for investigating and issuing rulings for dealing with misconduct and student crimes and being just in judgment and decision-making. These are among the inviolable principles of the Council of the Student Disciplinary Committee which are set to respond to complaints and reports from upon registration to graduation d.


  1. Following up student complaints
  2. Dealing with students’ violations of rules
  3. Issues regarding guest and transfer requests of students
  4. Issuance of graduation permits for students with disciplinary records
  5. Issuing permission to issue duplicate cards for students
  6. Selection of the best students (in all fields and quotas)
  7. Â