Research Council

The research council has been formed to prepare and formulate research programs and propose them to the university council, to assist in the execution of affairs and provide facilities for research activities.


Some of the duties of this council are in the following:

a) Cooperating with the research assistants to implement the regulations and decisions of the board of directors

b) Submitting proposals to various research fields to the University Council, including:

– Improving the conditions and removing obstacles to research in the university

– Coordinating teaching and research time at the university

– Cooperation with the private sector in implementing research projects and determining how to collaborate with research centers inside and outside the university


– Examining how to provide research services to different organizations to meet the needs of the country, region, and province and how to cooperate with universities and industrial centers

c) preparing, compiling and proposing researcher training plans.

d) Examining and compiling and proposing research programs in order to know the world of knowledge as much as possible

e) the application of results to improve the quality of education

f) Approval of university research projects

g) Evaluating the level of scientific ability and measuring the ability of university graduates to work in society, through the implementation of special research projects.

k) planning study opportunities for faculty members.

l) Proposing the objectives and research policy of the university.