Rahman University’s Growth Center was awarded two silver medals by the European Academy of Science (EURASC) president at CAMFEST, International Festival and Exhibition of Inventions and Innovation and Skills of Turkey- Van.

Another honor for the higher education in Ramsar Province
Rahman University’s Growth Center was awarded two silver medals by the European Academy of Science (EURASC) president at CAMFEST, International Festival and Exhibition of Inventions and Innovation and Skills of Turkey- Van.
The Persica technological unit residing at Rahman University’s Growth Center participated in the second Festival and Exhibition of Inventions and Innovation of CAMFEST collaborating with ‏İŞGEM business center, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, and the Organization of Experts and Managers of Iran on February 24, 2024. Some important figures like the European Academy of Science (EURASC) president, the president of the International Federation of Inventors’ Associations, and the chairman of the Organization of Experts and Managers of Iran participated in this Festival where Persica won two silver medals.
The members of the Persica technological unit of Rahman University are Mobin Sanbbaghi, Rasul Ketabi, and Mohammad Ramaj Esmaeeli as the faculty member and the Growth Center manager, part-time lecturer, and computer science student, respectively. Benyamin Eshaghi and Mohsen Edalati accompanied them in this festival.
Out of 120 projects registered for this festival, 60 projects competed against each other in this event, which was attended by many entrepreneurs and international participants.

The Van Yüzüncü Yıl University’s president, the Police chief of Van province, the governor of the Chaldiran region, the European Academy of Science president, the International Federation of Inventors president, the Organization of Managers of Iran’s president, the rector of the University of Bucharest, Romania, ŞGEM business center, Economic adviser of the Iranian consulate in Istanbul, Deputy Consulate of Iran in Erzurum, Sultan of Sudan, the head of Oman’s industrial cities, Head of Kurdistan region exhibitions organization, the presidents of Iran universities, directors of Iran Technopark, secretary general of Van metropolitan municipality, Van’s commodity exchange department and academics were in the opening ceremony.
In this festival, three Medals of Merit in Science were awarded to 2 Iranians and oneTurk.
Dr. Behzad Jaybashi, Vice President of International TİTU University, Turkey Branch from Iran Dr. Soodabe Davaran, Head of Innovation and Acceleration Center of Health of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences This medal was awarded to the aforementioned on behalf of The European Academy of Sciences President Prof. Barrons at The Van Yüzüncü Yıl public University.
The Medal of Merit in Science is generally an official mark of an individual’s knowledge, experience, and skills in a specific scientific field. Scientific or educational organizations usually award these medals to individuals for reasons like education, research, outstanding service, and participation in scientific progress.
Following this success, on February 29, 2024, in a meeting with the members of the University Research Council, Dr. Alian, vice-chancellor for research and technology of Rahman University, Dr. Mobin Sabbaghi, the head of the computer science department and Rahman University’s Growth Center manager and Mohammad Ramaj Esmaeeli computer science students were awarded Certificates of appreciation.